Two years ago, I was lucky enough to have one of my cookbooks mentioned on the EAT LIKE A HEROINE podcast, hosted by Lorilee Craker and Jenny Williams. I love that there’s a whole podcast out there devoted to the role of food in fiction! When I discovered they were publishing a book named for their podcast, I contacted them right away to see if I could write a review.
EAT LIKE A HEROINE is part literary analysis, part cookbook. Each chapter focuses on a different way food is used in fiction (such as to provide hospitality or comfort) and ends with a recipe that fits the theme of the chapter. I especially enjoyed the chapter about fictional picnics, since that is the theme of my latest cookbook, A LITERARY PICNIC. I also love that the book is not just designed to be read but used; it has interactive sections like journal pages, activity ideas, and personal challenges to help you get the most out of the book.
But, of course, this is a recipe blog, so you probably eager to hear about the recipes! I had such a hard time choosing which one to make. Louisa May Alcott’s Apple Slump sounded so yummy, and the Jane Austen-era Marizpan Hedgehog sounded adorable! But I finally decided on Mrs. Barry’s Humble Pie inspired by ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. I chose it partially because I have an ANNE OF GREEN GABLES menu in my picnic cookbook, but also because I looove chocolate pies. I’ve made French silk pie in the past, which is very similar to this pie recipe, so I was curious to see which I liked better.
This pie was easy to throw together and super delicious: rich, chocolatey, and unbelievably light. In fact, I think it will become my new go-to chocolate pie, since it’s just as delicious as the French silk recipe I use, but easier and faster to make. I’ve included the recipe below so you can give it a try yourself. With the coziness of fall just around the corner, now is the perfect time to read about fictional food and bring some of it to life.
EAT LIKE A HEROINE is out now and available through Amazon, Commonplace Books, and End Game Press.
P.S. All the artwork in the book is done by co-author Jenny Williams, and her style fits the tone of the book so well: light-hearted, fun, cozy, and thoughtful. It’s just too good not to mention. Now let’s make some pie!
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