Tag: King Arthur Flour

The Once and Future Reading Kit

Posted January 5, 2016 by Alison's Wonderland Recipes in Reading Kits / 2 Comments

Howdy, folks! Welcome to our very first 2016 book of the month: King Arthur! The theme is King-Arthur-in-general rather than a specific King Arthur book, since there are so many and I have no idea which one is my favorite. Since the bright and shiny New Year newness hasn’t quite worn off for me yet, I thought it would be fun to start things off with one of our new additions to the blog this year: a reading kit!

I posted a few homemade reading kits on Real Life at Home last year, but now my plan is to make reading kits here on the blog for every Book of the Month. What’s a reading kit, you ask? It’s basically a compilation of items mentioned in a book or related to the subject matter, often including a copy of the book itself (I first heard of the idea on Epic Reads). When I make a kit, I like to include a snack, three items related to the book, and the fanciest copy of the book I can find.

I’ve included links to each of the items below, making it easy to whip up a kit for yourself or an avid reader in your life. So grab your kits and read on, my valiant Knights of Wonderland! ๐Ÿ™‚


What items would I include in a King Arthur reading kit? I’m so glad you asked…


This awesome Camelot mead to serve at your legendary medieval feasts

click map
This is actually the wine the Mister and I served at our wedding. We’re big honey wine fans, and this is our favorite brand. The Mister is actually working on brewing his own right now!


And of course you need something to drink your mead out of.

Dark Roast Dragon Mug
Well aren’t you just the cutest burninator of them all?


A dessert fit for a king: King Arthur Flour cake mix and a dragon cake pan


This utterly regal pen holder to remind you that you’re sovereign of all you survey

Executive Knight Pen Holder
Resist the urge to sign everything “Supreme Ruler of Everything the Light Touches.”

And don’t forget this gorgeous book to end all gorgeous books.

For the low, low price of $12,800 you can own this jaw-droppingly beautiful illustrated copy of Le Morte D’Arthur. That’s not too much to pay for a book, right? But if you’re like me and don’t have an infinite book budget, this hardcover from Barnes & Noble is pretty gorgeous too.


What would you include in YOUR King Arthur reading kit? ๐Ÿ™‚