I recently announced that I have a new cookbook coming out, and today I’m SO EXCITED to share the cover. Well, two of them . . . because I can’t choose! 😅
When I first started designing my cover, I decided to make two different versions—one with a background photograph of one of the menus from the book, another with watercolor elements from Canva Pro. I thought once I saw the finished products I’d know for sure what I wanted, but I love them both too much to choose. So I’m putting it up to a vote! Cast your vote below for your favorite cover, and if you want to vote multiple times, you can check out my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
I’ll announce the official publication date for A LITERARY PICNIC next week on my socials, so stay tuned! 😁
The watercolor cover is more timeless looking. Although the photograph is cute, it can become very dated eventually. The watercolor evokes a different sort of feeling as well. It’s hard to put into words. It is less specific than the one menu showcased in the photo. I think the actual pictures of the dishes would be more suited to the inside of the book.
At first, I misread the cover as A Literary Panic, and I had flashbacks to Lit Theory class. By the way, I discovered that your Earl Grey icing for the London Fog Mystery cookies makes a great dip for pretzels. You could market it as the delicious gray stuff from Beauty and the Beast.