When I decided to do a Harry Potter menu, I knew I wanted to feature at least one recipe from the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. It has the most iconic Harry Potter foods (pumpkin juice, cauldron cakes, etc.), but it also has some lesser-known Potter recipes. I’ve spent ages drooling over the recipes in this book, and now is the perfect time to break one out! The scotch collops (aka pan-seared steak with mushrooms and onions) stood out to me from the rest. This is the dish that Harry, Hermione, and Ron are eating at the start-of-term feast when they find out all the food is made by Hogwarts house-elves. As you may recall, Hermione stops eating in protest, but the boys have no problem finishing their steak. After tasting it myself, I have to say, I’m on Harry and Ron’s side.
Category: Book of the Month Recipes
Savory Snitch Cheese Balls
Welcome to our new Book of the Month! I’ve been looking forward to doing Harry Potter for a long time. I love the books, so it was really important to me that this menu do them justice. Several drafts later, I’m proud to say I’ve planned a menu that I think even Snape would be unable to resist; it’s fun, magical, and (of course) incredibly tasty. So let’s get started!
Dragon Scale Madeleines
Today, we reach the end of our Hobbit journey. It’s been a fun ride: we’ve shared nut bread with Beorn the bear-man, supped on woodland fowl with the elves, and even had escargot with the friendly thrush. But the party ain’t over yet–we haven’t even had dessert! Luckily, Smaug’s been kind enough to provide it for us.
Parmesan and Thyme Escargot
Please forgive my Pi Day ADD from last week. I promise to never deviate from the pre-determined menu again…unless of course it’s for something super awesome. Like Halloween. Or the Fourth of July. Or Bring Your Potted Plant To Work Day…which I’m sure is a holiday somewhere.
Roasted Hens in Woodland Wine

I must confess, I’ve never been a huge fan of elves. Elegance and refinement aren’t really my thing (for more information, see last week’s post on the awesomeness of dwarves). However, I have profound respect for the elves’ ability to throw a party. While trekking through Mirkwood Forest, Bilbo and the dwarves stumble upon an elvish feast complete with music, dancing, and (of course) buckets of food.
Beorn’s Nut Bread and Fruited Honey
Personally, I’ve always felt like dwarves from fantasy books don’t get enough press. They’re fearless, rowdy, and unabashedly hairy. What’s not to love? But when it comes to culinary appreciation, you can’t beat a hobbit. I mean, we’re talking about a race of people who schedule their entire day around six meals. Talk about folks after my own heart! Thus, it is with great excitement that I introduce The Hobbit as our new Book of the Month!
Cyclone Cookies
I love me a good cookie, and I’ve had my eye on these spirally angels from The Curvy Carrot for quite some time. To me, they look just like the cyclone that picked up Dorothy, and the sprinkles around the edges add a little extra fun. The best part? They’re black, white, AND Technicolor…not to mention wickedly delicious. What a great way to wrap up this month’s menu!
Sweet ‘n Spicy Flying Monkey Wings
I recently realized I’ve been inadvertently taking a picnic/backyard bbq approach to this Wonderful Wizard of Oz menu. Maybe it’s Dorothy’s wicker basket…or this dreary February weather making me wish for summer…or simply my ever-present desire to have a barbeque.
Heck, let’s be honest. It’s most likely the last of the three.
Witch Hat Calzones with Melted Witch Pesto
I made a different version of these witch hat calzones for a Halloween party once, and they were a big hit! My favorite pesto recipe adds a little Technicolor flair, plus a fun flavor element, making these calzones the perfect entrée for this month’s menu. The recipe is remarkably kid-friendly, so if you have any little budding chefs in the household, I’d definitely enlist their help with this one!
Cracked China Deviled Eggs
The Mister and I recently moved to a new apartment, so we’ve spent the past few weeks sprucing it up and adding personal touches (lightsaber candlesticks here, a Hobbit map wall hanging there, etc.). Needless to say, “no place like home” has definitely been on my mind. It didn’t take long for me to decide that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz would be the perfect candidate for February’s book of the month! As a special shout-out to the film, all the recipes for this book will be in either black and white or Technicolor!