Have you ever read a book where you know you would be best friends with the main character in real life? That happened to me when I read JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH by Jules Verne. The book is narrated by a young man named Axel, the nephew and research assistant of Professor Lidenbrock, a German geology professor. We find out Axel’s attitude toward food at the beginning of the book, and it endeared him to me immediately.
The first scene begins at dinner time, when the professor rushes in with a runic Icelandic manuscript and skips dinner to start translating it. Axel and the housekeeper are shocked, since the professor never misses meals (Axel eats his uncle’s plate of food as well as his own, since it’s so delicious). After this, Lindenbrock gets so excited about the manuscript that he insists neither one of them will sleep or eat until they translate it. Axel silently rejoices that he ate two dinners.
While the professor is out of the room, Axel accurately translates part of the manuscript, realizing it gives instructions for how to journey to the center of the Earth (roll credits!). Certain the trip would be fatal–and equally certain his uncle would want them both to go anyway–he doesn’t tell the professor he figured out what the manuscript says. Stealing his nerves, he resolves to miss breakfast AND lunch in the name of avoiding a crazy subterranean expedition (spoiler: the professor figures it out anyway 😆).
I laughed SO HARD when I read the first scene, and from that moment on, Axel was my new best friend. That’s when I decided to make a menu for JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH!
Today’s recipe is inspired by the part of the book when the characters are on a Mediterranean island surrounded by fruit trees, including grapes and pomegranates. Drawing inspiration from the region, I decided to make a roasted grape salad, sticking primarily to Mediterranean ingredients. Starting with a spinach base, I added crumbled feta and toasted almonds, topping it all off with fresh pomegranate arils and homemade pomegranate vinaigrette. For the finishing touch, I added some balsamic roasted grapes I made using a recipe by Beautiful Eats & Things.
This Mediterranean roasted grape salad is easy, healthy, and super refreshing. The perfect pick-me-up after a journey to the center of the Earth . . . or a long night of translating an Icelandic manuscript! 😉
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