I’m almost as passionate about tea as I am about books. Whenever I sit down to read, I simply MUST brew myself a cuppa first, which means tea has fueled my free time for most of my life. When I discovered NovelTea Tins, a company that develops tea blends inspired by classic books, I was intrigued and asked them if they would like to sponsor a post. It’s not often that I reach out to companies, so you can imagine my excitement when they said YES!
Within a week, I had in my possession four of their teas: Pride & Peppermint, Anne of Green Tea Gables, Pippi Oolongstocking, and a premium tin of Anise in Wonderland. I love that they sent me a good variety, since this allows me to give you a better sense of their quality and selection. Of course, I was most excited about the Wonderland tea, which I think is why they very thoughtfully sent it in a tin. I’m super excited, so let’s get started! Time to review some teas! 😀
NovelTea Tins: A Review
Pride and Peppermint: Rooibos, Peppermint, and Chamomile
The scent straight out of the bag was equal parts peppermint and chamomile. Once brewed, the only scent I picked up was peppermint, but the taste was surprisingly complex. There was warmth and groundedness from the rooibos with a mild peppermint flavor and a faint chamomile herbiness. Adding a little honey opens up the flavor and brightens the tea. I’m a big fan of peppermint tea, so I liked this. Pride & Peppermint takes two common tea flavors and combines them with unexpected background flavors to create something classic yet refreshingly surprising, much like Jane Austen’s plucky heroine.
This tea is an excellent option if you like peppermint tea but want something with more nuance.
Pippi Oolongstocking: Oolong Tea, Orange Peel, and Natural Flavor
The leaves have a strong orange scent, and it smells of pure oolong when brewed. It has a definite oolong flavor and mild citrus flavor with moderate bitterness. A bit astringent, but not in a bad way. I prefer it with a bit of honey to help balance the bitterness. It’s peppy, fun, and robust, just like the character for whom it’s named (remember, Pippi has super strength!).
This is a good choice for those who like citrusy teas. It’s also a nice stepping stone into the world of oolong, if you’re new to that variety.
Anne of Green Tea Gables: Green Tea, Orange Peel, Raspberry Pieces, and Natural Flavor
This tea is smooth and mild, much as you would expect from a green blend. It has definite green tea flavor but isn’t grassy. I LOVE that they included orange peel and raspberry as a nod to Anne’s hair and her misadventure with the raspberry cordial. The leaves have a strong raspberry smell, and the brewed tea has mild raspberry overtones, which do well to complement the green tea without overpowering it. I don’t think this tea needs any sweetener, especially if you’re a big green tea fan.
Anise in Wonderland: Rooibos, Cassia Cinnamon Chips, Anise Star Pods, and Natural Flavor
Last but not least, the tea inspired by my blog’s namesake! With my name in mind, NovelTeas very kindly sent me a premium tin of this tea. This was the tea I was most exited about, both because of the name and because of the flavor profile. I’d never had anise in a tea before, so I was intrigued. When I opened the tin, strong cinnamon scent hit me first, then the smell of anise. Once brewed, it had a strong rooibos smell with a hint of anise. Not surprisingly, the flavor was a combo of cinnamon and anise. What did surprise me was that it tasted more like a black tea to me than a rooibos (not that I mind—black teas are my favorite). I think maybe the warmth of the rooibos gets wrapped up in the cinnamon, making it harder to detect. Honey opens up the flavors and brings out the sweetness in the cinnamon and anise.
As I anticipated, this tea was my favorite. I love darker, more complex teas that hold up to a long steep and additions like honey and milk. The tin is definitely going on display when I finish it! 😀

What struck me most is how much care the people at NovelTeas put into tying each tea in with its namesake. Anne of Green Tea Gables isn’t just a punny name—the creators added orange and raspberry as a nod to the story, and if you order a premium tin, it has the option of coming in a copper tin to match Anne’s hair. And that’s only one example! Each tea is steeped in affection for the book that inspired it, a fact that any bibliophile can appreciate.
Yet this devotion to source material doesn’t come at the expense of flavor. As a tea enthusiast, I love that the base tea in each blend shines through, complemented by the add-ins without being overpowered by them.
Other Things Worth Noting:
- All NovelTea teas are loose leaf and many are organic.
- Brewing instructions are printed on the packaging.
- The package art is created by independent artists and is, in my completely unbiased opinion, utterly beautiful.
- Many of the teas are caffeine free.
Thanks for joining me on this foray into the world of literary tea!
I’ll be back next week with another book-themed recipe. See you then!
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check out my new e-cookbook

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