A couple days ago I did an interview with the Well Seasoned Librarian Podcast, in which Dean Jones and I talk gingerbread, Hercule Poirot, and my struggles with Turkish Delight. You should definitely check it out! At the end of the interview, I revealed my latest big project. Those of you with amazing memories may recall I hinted at a super secret project several months ago on Instagram. Now I’m finally ready to announce it here on the blog!
My big news is . . .*drumroll *. . .
I’m publishing another cookbook!!! 🥳 🥳 🥳
I’m so excited to finally tell you about it. I’ve been working on it since spring, and it’s almost finished!
Entitled A LITERARY PICNIC, this will be a self-published ebook with 5 menus of picnic recipes inspired by classic literature. The recipes were so much fun to work on, and the picnic theme challenged me to FINALLY get good at outdoor photos. Let me just say, I’ve come to appreciate that wind is a huge variable in outdoor photography. To all you photographers out there who specialize in outdoor photos, I tip my lens cap to you. 📷
I’ve included a quick Q&A below to address any likely questions, and there will be more news and updates as we get closer to the publication date. Stay tuned in the coming months for sneak peeks, a cover reveal, a giveaway, and more!
Questions & Answers
When is A LITERARY PICNIC coming out?
March 2023. I want to have it out by then since it has a Peter Rabbit menu that would be perfect for Easter.
Will this affect your blogging schedule?
I’ll be taking January and February off to finish the cookbook. I will resume my regular blogging schedule in March.
What kind of recipes are in the book?
Without giving too much away, I can tell you that A LITERARY PICNIC contains 5 menus, each inspired by a different classic book. Each menu contains 5 recipes: appetizer, entree, side dish, dessert, and beverage. They’re all designed to be easy to make ahead and transport.
Why are you self-publishing this time?
In short, because this book is short! I knew from the beginning I could do 25 total recipes, due to my busy schedule and the fact that I only have 3-5 months of warm weather for photos. My publisher, Skyhorse, doesn’t publish cookbooks shorter than 50 recipes. They gave me the green light to publish this one on my own, but we plan to continue working together on longer books in the future.
Why is it in ebook format only?
It comes down to cost and supply issues. An ebook presents less financial risk on my end, and I don’t have to worry about all the shipping issues and supply shortages that plague publishers these days. However, I am looking into offering a print version if there’s enough demand. So let me know if a hard copy is something you’re interested in!
Where can I find your book?
A LITERARY PICNIC will be available for purchase here on the blog and through Amazon. Final price to be determined.
Can I see the cover?
Cover reveal coming soon! 😀
Stay tuned for more updates, and I’ll see you in March!

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