I have a confession to make: before this year, I’d never ready The Princess Bride. The years up til now were a distracted chorus of “I’ll get to it” and “It’s somewhere in my TBR.” I’ve seen the movie, so I guess I just didn’t feel a ton of urgency. It wasn’t until someone requested it as my blog’s next Book of the Month that I actually sat down to read it for the first time.
AND OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS IT IS THE GREATEST. Such a complete and utter joy. I can’t remember the last time I had so much pure fun while reading. It’s clever, heart-warming, and fiendishly funny. As soon as I finished it, I was more than ready to get in the kitchen, and I knew exactly what I was going to make: Miracle Max’s resurrection pills.
In the book, Miracle Max prepares a resurrection pill for the “sort of dead” Man in Black. Inigo is skeptical of its appearance, but Max’s wife Valerie assures him that it looks a lot better with a chocolate coating. This reminded me of chocolate truffles, but I knew I wouldn’t have time to make the filling from scratch. After all, I’ve got a 2-year-old, 6-month-old, and Mysterious Suuuper Seeecret Project (which I PROMISE I’ll announce soon–hopefully next week!) to worry about. To resolve the issue of time, I turned to my trusty Oreo truffle recipe. It’s quick, easy, and dependably delicious—just what the doctor ordered. Then I snuck in a Werther’s soft caramel center for the perfect surprise.
You don’t have to slave away for ages to make these addictive little morsels (but they’re so delicious that everyone will think you did). So whip up a batch—they’re even worth coming back from the dead for!
Miracle Max’s Resurrection Truffles: An AWR Original Recipe
“You mean, that’s it?” Inigo said, appalled.
“That’s it,” Max nodded proudly. He had not been up this long a stretch since the old days, and he felt terrific.
Valerie was so proud. “Beautiful,” she said. She turned to Inigo then. “You sound so disappointed—what did you think a resurrection pill looked like?”
“Not like a lump of clay the size of a golf ball,” Inigo answered.
“I usually give them a coating of chocolate at the last minute; it makes them look a lot better,” Valerie said.
— The Princess Bride
- 15 Oreos
- 2 oz softened cream cheese, cut into cubes
- 16 Werther’s soft caramels
- 12 oz chocolate almond bark
- 4 oz white almond bark
Makes 16 oreo truffles
- Twist the Oreos in half and place in a food processor. Process on low for about 2 minutes or until they create fine crumbs and intermittent clumps of cream. Add the cream cheese and process until it is completely incorporated. The mix will start to clump together.
- Shape the Oreo mix into a ball and separate into 16 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a small log and press very flat. Place a caramel in the middle and shape the Oreo mix around it until the caramel is evenly covered. Place on a baking sheet lined with wax paper and chill until ready to coat in chocolate.
- Melt the chocolate almond bark according to package instructions and stir until smooth. To coat, place an Oreo truffle on a fork and completely submerge it in the chocolate, allowing it to drip over the chocolate for about 15 seconds. Transfer back to the baking sheet. Allow to set for 5-10 minutes.
- Melt the white almond bark according to package instructions. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a small writing piping tip (or you can just cut the corner off a Ziploc bag). Pipe decorations onto the truffles. I started out just doing swooping lines, but then I decided to get fancy and did some with “M M” on them for “Miracle Max.” I figure if you’re a miracle worker who just got their first commission in a long time, you’d be pretty excited about it. 😉
- Allow decorations to set. Place in an airtight container and chill until ready to serve.
- Serve to a sort of dead man to bring him back to life. Remember, true love is worth living for, and true love = CHOCOLATE! 😉

Try more candy recipes! 🙂
Want to suggest the next Book of the Month? Email me here!
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