Not gonna lie, creating this reading kit was downright intimidating. There are just SO MANY cool Lord of the Rings items out there! Choosing felt like such a huge task. I actually put off writing this for a week to give me time to thoroughly sort through everything and make sure my kit included only the really good stuff.
I did my best to avoid items that were too obvious or super easy to find, since I figure people don’t need anyone to tell them about Frodo Funko Pops or One Ring replicas. I also avoided super expensive stuff (with two carefully considered exceptions). I focused my efforts on creative, high quality, mostly fan-made items that would make great gifts for the hobbit, wizard, shieldmaiden, or Heir of Isildur in your life. Enjoy! 🙂
What would I include in a Lord of the Rings reading kit? I’m so glad you asked…
A utensil for every meal. EVERY meal.

One light switch plate to rule them all

Make your home smell like the best place ever.
The door to my (and everyone’s) heart
A pile of perfect pillows for a cozy day of reading
A beautiful LOTR-themed burned wood box for holding your most precious treasures
Every questing hobbit needs a weapon…though this one is probably too beautiful to sully with orc guts.

And, of course, a beautiful edition of the trilogy!
What lovely items! WOW! 🙂
Thanks! I think my favorite is the wooden book box.
I want those pillow! <3
Me too!! Especially the map one. We have a framed map of Middle Earth hanging in our living room and it’s one of my favorite things.