For those who are keeping track, my baby was due 9 days ago. Don’t worry, we’re all fine! I just haven’t gone into labor yet. It looks like this baby is determined to camp out as long as possible! I think someone told them how cold it is outside right now, and they decided to stay where it’s warm (I told my mother-in-law that if the baby sees it’s shadow while being delivered, we get 6 more weeks of winter).
I’m scheduled to be induced tonight if nothing happens earlier today, so either way I’ll likely be MIA from the internet for at least the next few days.
I may be feeling super ambitious and post something on social media the same day the baby’s born, but realistically I may not get to it until this weekend. I have a post planned to share the birth story, though. So if all goes well, I’ll hopefully be able to share more of the details with you as early as next week.
Any prayers and good thoughts you want to send our way would be highly appreciated! See y’all on the other side!
– Alison
Eeeek! Best wishes with the baby’s birth!
Just saw this now, but I hope all went well!
Thanks! We’re both happy and healthy. I FINALLY got around to posting about the birth today,but I feel like he’s already getting so big!
Yay! Congrats!