I actually designed this tea almost a year before I read the book A Little Princess. I’ve loved the movie for ages, so I thought it would be fun to make a tea inspired by it!
Masala chai originated in India, so I knew it would be the perfect starting point for my tea. But how to make it unique? I decided to blend it with chocolate chai to add some sweetness to the spice. Then I added a touch of vanilla to even out the flavors, and voilà : a chai reminiscent of spicy hot chocolate, perfect for a little girl like Sara Crewe! 🙂
Princess Sara’s India Chai

When little Sara huddled in her cold attic room, no doubt she imagined how wonderful it would be to have a steaming mug of hot chai, just like she would have enjoyed while living in India. This combo of Adagio’s Chocolate Chai, Masala Chai, and Vanilla tea creates a cozy blend reminiscent of spiced hot chocolate. It’ll have you dreaming of visiting India with Sara in no time! 🙂
You can order it here!
Wanna check out my other blends? Visit our Alison’s Wonderland Tea Gallery!
This sounds like a yummy tea! I love Sara Crewe so much. ^ ^
Thanks! Me too. I’ll admit, her perfection made it hard for me to relate to her, but I really admired how she responded to her situation. It definitely made me take a second look at myself. I think of myself as a pretty mature person, but I don’t think I could handle Sara’s hardships with nearly as much grace as she did!
I’m more familiar with the movie version, and I feel like she was less perfect in that.
Yeah, I think one of the pros of the movie is that they made Sara a little more relatable. She’s a little older in the movie (I think she’s 7 in the book), and they added a couple of scenes, like when she dumps the ashes down the chimney. That was one of my favorites! 🙂
I think it was one of those special cases where the movie is a little better than the book haha.
I’m not sure which I like better (which I guess is a good problem to have!). I liked the way the movie portrayed Sara’s character better, but I think the book did a more nuanced job of relaying the overall message of the story.
Gosh, this sounds divine. So divine that I ended up buying a sample tin! (along with a sample tine of the Hundred Acre Blend, Miss Mary’s Garden Blend, and Star Trek TNG: Sciences Blue). I can’t wait!!!
Awesome! Let me know what you think. I’m always looking for feedback! 🙂
So far I’ve tasted the Chai Tea, the Science Blues, and Miss Mary’s Garden blend. All three were delightful, but I think Miss Mary’s Garden blend is my favorite so far. I’m a total sucker for floral flavorings in tea (when it’s done right), and you have the right balance in this blend. Plus! That juicy strawberry flavor?! It’s perfect!
Thanks! It’s one of my favorites too. I’m always a little nervous when using lavender (it’s so easy to use too much!) but I think the strawberry cuts the power of the lavender just enough. 🙂