Happy December, folks! How was your Thanksgiving? I was home sick from mine π , but I was able to send the Mister with a batch of homemade applesauce I froze a few weeks beforehand. Yay!
In much more pleasant news, I FINISHED MY NOVEL FOR NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH! Not gonna lie, I spent almost 20 minutes last night dancing around and singing. I’m extra excited because this was my very first time doing NaNo. It was tough, but I made it!!! I definitely want to try it again next year. I already have an idea for the book I want to write! π
Of course, since we’ve come to the end of our November menu, we also have a new tea blend available through Adagio Teas. In honor of our Divergent menu, I created Tori’s Peppermint Tea. It’s the perfect blend of peppermint, spearmint, and lemongrass with a lemon balm and marigold inclusion: refreshing and full-flavored without the menthol sensation being too overpowering. I love it both hot and iced. In fact, it’s been one of my few comforts while I’ve been sick (nothing like mint tea with a touch of honey to soothe a sore throat). Totally my new favorite green tea!
What have we got planned for our December Book of the Month? Here’s a hint:

CONGRATS ON WINNING! That’s a huge accomplishment! I’m sorry you got sick over Thanksgiving. π That happened to me last year. Not fun. Ooo I’m adding this blend to my wish list. ^ ^ I love mint teas. I can’t wait to see the new recipes! I’m going shopping today to get more supplies to make Amity Autumn Salad again and to try to peapod fries. ^ ^
Thanks! I was up WAY past my bedtime on November 30th because I was too excited to sleep. I’m already plotting out my NaNo novel for next year!
P.S. I’m absolutely positive that it says “And God so loved the world that he gave us mint tea” somewhere in the Bible.
Haha. XD I’m already planning for April CampNaNo.
Lol. XD Amen, sista. Mint is a beautiful thing. I don’t understand my friends who don’t like it.
That journal is beautiful and ALSO COOKIES. So basically this post is so much win. π And A MILLION CONGRATS for finishing NaNo!! I have a book for next year too, already. hehe. I’m trying to convince myself not to write it early and just to edit first. π Editing is haaaard. And that tea sounds delicious and I don’t even drink tea. XD
I actually bought that journal a couple years ago and still haven’t used it. It’s so pretty; I want to wait until I find something WORTHY to write in it, y’know?
Do you ever work on two books at the same time? I wouldn’t even let myself THINK about my 2016 book while I was writing my Nuani book for NaNo, so I wouldn’t lose my sense of the tone and characters. If I want to get any editing done, I’ll have to work on both at the same time, but I’m worried that I’ll wind up compromising quality in both of them. Thoughts?
I actually had a dream last night that the main character from my 2016 book collects unusual leggings (like ones covered in sunflowers and cats). Not sure if I’ll keep the idea, but it was definitely a fun dream. π
[…] WAY FOR 2016 NANO! As many of you may recall, I won National Novel Writing Month last November! I’m planning on taking part this year too, so keep an eye out for writing updates when […]