For years, my reason for not attending comic book conventions was simple: I don’t read comic books. No better reason than that, right? Well, a month ago the Mister (a big video game and comic book fan) asked me if I was interested in going to our local comic con, Wizard World Chicago. I thought, why not? With him working full time and attending grad school, it’s not often we get to spend a whole day together. Plus, my geeky horizons have widened considerably over the past couple years. I still love my books and tea, but now I’ve added things like Star Trek and Firefly to the mix. I still don’t have much interest in comic books, but I figured the convention might still be fun anyway. Turns out I TOTALLY wasn’t giving it enough credit.
When we got to the convention hall yesterday, it was PACKED. There were hundreds of people in the main lobby alone. Our first stop was the vendor hall, and I was floored by the huge variety of things there. We’re talking Hogwarts house bathrobes, hobbit hole watercolor paintings, leather Celtic journals, steampunk coffee presses, Star Trek oven mitts, and of course all things superhero. We stopped by a gaming room where the Mister played Super Smash Bros, and there were even Q&A panels with Youtube stars, comic book creators, and famous actors. We went to the Firefly panel and saw Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, and Summer Glau! * insert fangirl squeal here *

And these are the spoils of my lovely trip to the vendor hall: a custom quote pillow, handmade stoneware Totoro mug, and two custom teas (Red Queen and Irish Whiskey Cream).

Now as I sit sipping my delicious new tea out of my Totoro mug, I’m exhausted but happy. And I’m DEFINITELY planning on going back next year! 😀
Conventions are so fun! 😀 I couldn’t swing any this year unfortunately. Next year! But they’re so not just about comics. XD They’re about everything geeky! So jealous that you saw Nathan Fillion! I’m dying to meet that guy in person. XD I’ve met some other actors, but he’s at the top of my list!
Apparently there’s another convention in March called C2E2, so we’re planning on going to that one too. I’ll probably start saving up for the vendor hall a few months ahead of time. It gets expensive so fast! The Minster insisted we walk through the whole hall one time before buying anything, which is what saved my wallet.
I was SO sad Alan Tudyk couldn’t be in the Firefly panel, though! Wash is my favorite character (I actually just said “mine is an evil laugh” to someone an hour ago).
[…] junky—so much so that I got most of his movies for my birthday last year. I even bought a handmade Totoro mug when I went to my very first Comic Con! I’m seriously torn as to which movie is my favorite. It’s a toss up between […]