Bea’s Book Nook recently published a post in which Bea lists 20 authors with the most books on her bookshelf. It got me curious about which authors had the biggest real estate claim on my bookcase, so I decided to check it out! My findings surprised me a bit…
#3: SHARON CHREECH (8 books)
I don’t read her stuff much these days, but Sharon Creech was my favorite author growing up. I love her lyrical style and quirky characters. In fact, her book The Wanderer made “Rosalie” my favorite name! I’m still determined to name my daughter this someday.
#2: C.S. LEWIS (10 books)
Of course, I love the Chronicles of Narnia, but Lewis is also my favorite Christian apologist. While some authors can make theology needlessly abstruse and dry, Lewis’ approach is accessible and interesting.
And the author with the most books on my bookshelf is * drumroll please *…
#1: AGATHA CHRISTIE (17 books, not counting individual plays)
To anyone who knows me, this was the obvious winner. Agatha Christie is my hero. She dives right to the core of what makes human beings tick, and I always feel free to work my hardest to guess the killer (because her clues are usually really well hidden). The Mister even took me to see a Christie play in Wheaton for my birthday last year!
Which authors have the most books on your bookshelf? Do any of them surprise you?
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